Recycle Eyeglasses
Used usable glasses can be recycled to give life changing experiences to visually impaired persons.
Many people have far and/or short sightedness, possibly with astigmatism. As a person gets older, they can frequently develop short sightedness, which gets worse as they age.
These types of refractive errors can be easily corrected with eyeglasses, yet millions living in low and middle income countries lack access to basic eye care services. Lions have recognized the urgent need for corrective lenses and collect usable glasses in their communities to support the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.​

Lions members packing used glasses to be sent for evaluating and refurbishing
If you have old eyeglasses that are not broken, please donate them to the Lions. Frequently your eye doctor will collect eyeglasses for the Lions. Also, all local Lions clubs have collection points in their region.
All types of used eyeglasses and sunglasses, prescription and non-prescription, for children and adults are accepted, including exceptionally strong or weak prescriptions. Reading glasses are also useful for those who perform close-up tasks while at work. Sunglasses are needed for people living near the equator, especially those with cataracts.